Wednesday, October 17, 2012

For the Children...

  My sisters and I have been doing the Bible study that I mentioned before and the first lesson was on self-centeredness.  Naturally, I know we all deal with this issue but it definitely seems that since studying that lesson, I have been all too aware of my self.  Of how I get offended and hurt and when I don't get my way.  This hasn't really helped me to be very productive so far.  But it does point out how much I need Jesus!  How often did He have opportunity to be offended? And He went through more pain than (praise God!) I'll ever know and yet He did it willingly!  For us!  So what I have gotten out of all of this, is that I really need to look to Him and lay aside my self-centeredness! I have a wonderful little girl and hope to have at least one more and they need me to teach them the right way to be.  Jesus is to be our model and if I want my children to ever come to know Him I have to show Him to them in how I am.  I want my children to see how wonderful God is.  I don't want them to have to learn the "hard way" how loving and full of grace and mercy He is.  For it is the "goodness of God that leads to repentance". (Rom. 2:4)
  If I can lay aside my selfishness and walk out the power of the Christian life for my children, what an awesome privilege!  This desire is easier said than done, of course, but I am making it my ultimate goal.  My dream since I was a little girl was to be the best wife and mommy possible.  I am blessed in that I am home to get that opportunity! Now I need to do my part and do it.
  I am striving always to meet my goal.  I read the Bible to find what I need to do to be a good wife and mother and want SO badly to put them into action.  And then life happens and self rears its ugly head and I fail.  But in the words of Andrew Wommack "I may not have arrived but at least I left".  I may not be exactly where I need to be but praise God, I am not who I used to be!  When I got baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues, I left that old me behind.  I know I can't explain it but it's exactly how the Bible says. "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" 2 Corinthians 5:17.
  It breaks my heart when I don't tap into the patience that's in my spirit and let my "self" have its way. Especially if it effects my husband or little girl.  I want to be cheerfully going about doing the things that I have to do.  I want to lovingly correct my daughter.  I want to do things that please my husband.  I have the best intentions but not always the discipline to accomplish them!  Praise God that with Him I can have more victories than failures!  If I will only remember to take my eyes and thoughts off of myself and onto Him, I can do all things!  That, I find, is the hard part to remember. Something so simple and yet I forget it so often!!  I do believe that doing the Bible study with my sisters (and anyone else that wants to join us!) and the time I'm spending in God's Word is helping me to remember more often.  That is how we succeed in running our race!  Keeping our eyes on the prize!  For me, having a happy, satisfied husband and happy, godly children are the prize.
  So my prayer is for God to keep reminding me to look to Him and not at myself! To show me when I miss it and how to keep from doing that again.  And I am definitely going to be speaking out the patience that is in me to come out when I get stressed!  It's a fruit of the Holy Spirit so I have it!
  Now to go practice what I've just preached.....  :)

Remember, if you want to join in on the Bible study my sisters and I (and one of the brother-in-laws!!) are doing, just email me at  and I'll send you the next lesson!  :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amanda you have always had a heart for God. When you were a baby, your Mom asked you who do you love most and you told her God! He has always been the center of your heart. You are an exceptional young woman, wife and mother. So far ahead of so many your age. I am proud of you and your accomplishments!

    1. That's sooo good Deb! What a beautiful comment! Love you! xo

  3. I just realized I didn't do the lesson! I'll copy , paste and delete my comment and wait and see if it matches what the lesson is! Where is the information about the lesson? Is it Level 2 Lesson 2?
    I love you honey so very, very much!
    Love 4ever, mommy xo

  4. Beautiful AManda.

  5. Mommy, this isn't the blog for the Bible study. I just mention it here. This is the one that started out as a newsletter but ended up a blog. :)
    Thank you, Aunt Deb! I didn't know I ever said that! :) I love you!
    Thank you all!!

  6. That is wonderful Amanda! I live and agree with everything you said! It is a gift of the Holy Spirit and I too need much practice and wisdom in this area. So proud of you for taking the step to say these things, it is truly inspiring! I love you my Sister!!
