Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Truth... (What Will You Stand For?)

I have recently had a reawakening of some passionate feelings against some things that too many people have embraced.  There are certain things that a handful of people against God have bullied everyone else into accepting.  What I don't understand is why people that love God have let it happen!  Ok, so I do know why.  All too many of us don't take the time to really, really know God.  I would probably be correct in assuming that the majority of people that call themselves Christians do so only because they believe in Jesus.  Not that that is a small thing! Don't get me wrong, but there is SO much more to know! Like what did Jesus teach? What did He die to give us?  And so many more things to be learned from studying God's word and having a relationship with Him.  If Christians knew as convincingly as this handful of God-haters what they believed, then our country wouldn't be where it is right now.  Our children wouldn't be learning lies, they would be learning truth and it would be setting people free, just like Jesus said!
  My passion was awakened recently by a program where two scientists were discussing evolution.  You can ask my husband, I get VERY riled up when this topic comes up. Poor guy! I can't help it, when this topic comes up I get this overwhelming anger and I can't help but speak.  Thankfully, this blog gives me an outlet to vent.
  The host of the program (a Christian program, obviously, or the two scientists would never have been allowed on television!) interviewed these two men separately over the course of a few weeks.  Both of these men used to be evolutionists!  Their education background was in evolution and they believed in it totally, until scientific evidence proved to them that all they had learned was wrong.  Both men, separately interviewed, said that there is NO scientific evidence of evolution. NONE!  All theories of  evolution can be scientifically disproved!  The reason for this is that evolution is just a theory.  Someone hundreds of years ago that didn't want to believe that God created everything, came up with a theory and that theory has since changed many times to suit their agendas.  It turns out, there are as many evolutionary theories as their are evolutionary scientists!  How are all of these scientific men believing in something that the very nature of their titles can disprove?  They don't want to believe in God! They don't want to be held responsible for their actions. And therefore, they're blinded by the devil. "In whom the god of this world (satan) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." 2 Corinthians 4:4  Otherwise how could men who claim to be scientists, completely ignore such glaring evidence!
  We've been taught that the earth took millions of years to form and that the different layers of earth can prove that. Wrong!  The evidence shows that the way the layers are laid down could only have happened in a worldwide flood and in a matter of months. Hello! The Bible tells us that!  And the evolutionists tell us that we all came from one-celled organisms.  Then why does everything in nature go from order to disorder?  Not the other way around.  Why can these men, in all of their so-called wisdom, not be able to make a single living thing on their own? If men can't do it then how in the world did it happen by accident?  Because it couldn't!  It took a heavenly Creator to develop all of the intricate workings of just one cell, much less a whole animal or person!
  As angry as I get at these people spreading their lies and trying to force their un-scientific views down our throats, they need our prayers. For their eyes to be opened to the truth.  It happened to the two scientists I mentioned earlier.
  My real issue is why are these people allowed to rule what the majority doesn't believe?!  Why are the Christians just sitting there allowing these things to be taught to their children?  Do the god-haters have more passion for what they believe than we do?  How sad!!!  For people that have the power of God living inside them, if they're born again believers in Christ, we sure don't look like it!  (I'm speaking of myself here too).  Why is this?  Why are we, the majority, allowing this handful of people to dictate what gets taught, what gets put on every television show, what our children are learning as truth?  It makes me want to cry!  Where is the passion of our country?!  This country was founded by people that believed in God and wanted to be able to have a country based on that faith!  And we've let this handful of people, who are led in their hearts by our very enemy!, to rule what is to be accepted and what isn't!
  Did you know that the reason evolution is even taught in our schools?  One school teacher didn't want to teach it and an evolutionist prosecuted him.  His evidence of why this should be taught as truth and not creation, one little tooth!  A tooth that a scientist found that had markings like an ape and markings like a man.  This tooth, that wasn't even allowed to be examined by anyone in the courtroom and therefore couldn't be refuted by this teacher, is what started the whole thing!  And this tooth, a week or so later, was found to be from a pig!  The scientist who dug up the tooth took what little data he could gather from it and made all sorts of assumptions before he dug up the rest of the animal!  Sounds like the old story of the blind men touching an elephant trying to figure out what it was. They came  up with everything but an elephant!
  I don't know where or how to start to remedy this.  But I do know that if Christians would get serious about knowing their Savior then we could turn this around!  We are the majority!!  We are the ones with power!  All that the devil has is lies and empty threats!!!  He goes about "as a roaring lion seeking whom he may destroy".  As a lion, because Jesus already ripped out all of his teeth and claws and he has no power, nothing but empty threats to sling at us!  Why are we giving in to those threats?
  I am blessed, in that I get to teach my children myself, but for those of you who can't, do you know what your children are being taught?  Are you, at least, teaching them that those things aren't true?  Thankfully the teacher I had for science growing up was a Christian and she would only talk about evolution as a theory and not fact.  She was forced by law to introduce it to us but she never led us to think it was correct.  (Thank you, Mrs. Mitchell, for that!)  Not every school is blessed with a teacher like that.  As parents the responsibility, according to God, falls to us as to what our little blessings are taught.
  I want God to so rule in my life that His power and passion are seen in me!  Then and only then will things start to change...


  1. Please understand that I never mean to sound harsh or condemning! I only want the truth to be known and when I'm passionate about a subject it may come off wrong. But I say it all in love!! Christians need to know how much God loves them and then things WILL change!!! :)

  2. Sounds like a holy anger to me!!! Way to preach it my girl! This would not even be allowed if it weren't for us having free choice and " The justified, by Jesus Christ, live by faith!!!" It is a personal... Seek Ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness... SEEK YE is the same as we now say, YOU SEEK!!! Seek is a verb and a verb is an action word!!! I found that out many years ago when I realized I needed to know the Truth!!! I laid aside the world, the denominations and I read the Bible, The Word of God Jesus, with the Holy Spirit!!! I've never been the same!!! As Jesus said, You shall KNOW the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall set you free!!! So free from all the lies and confusion! I homeschool the boys and we learn what you have just said!!! I'm saving all the school books we've used, for you honey! So thankful you had Mrs Mitchell while I was yet to understand!!!
    Way to go my beloved Amanda! We all do what God shows us to let Him do through us... And the power came upon them to be witnesses...
    Love 4ever, mommy xo

  3. Thank you, Mommy! You taught us right at home! I just wanted to point out that if people don't teach their kids about God at home, then they don't know what their kids are learning.
    Thank you for saving all the books for me! I love you!

  4. True love is telling the truth!!! You're in love honey!!! xo

  5. Beautifully written Amanda. You echo my thoughts and passion. Why can't people see what is happening around them??? Like you said - they are blinded by the world. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and prayers.

  6. Thank you, Anonymous! :) This is sometimes my only outlet for my thoughts. ha!
